Range Rules

Basic Range Rules

1. The ACTS:


Every firearm is invariably assumed to be loaded until you have personally checked it and it should still be treated as loaded.


Always point the firearm in the safest possible direction and always know where your muzzle is pointed at all times.


Resist the temptation to put your FINGER on the trigger when you pick up or handle a firearm.


Every time you handle a firearm for any reason, first open the action and check to SEE that both chamber and magazine are empty. 

2. When moving about the range with your firearm, make sure it is unloaded, bolt flag in, and the MUZZLE POINTED STRAIGHT UP at all times;

3. Always keep the gun unloaded until ready to fire on the firing line.

4. The RSO has absolute authority on the firing line and his/her commands shall be obeyed without question.

5. Know how to use the gun safety and remember that any mechanical safety can and may fail.

6. Be sure that your gun is safe to operate. If there is any doubt, have it checked by a competent gunsmith.

7. Always wear ear protection. The damage done to unprotected ears may not be known for years. Eye protection is highly recommended.

8. Any misfires shall be reported to the RSO. A misfire shall be treated as an unfired round and disposed of in the approved container at the rifle range (red steel container). Always wait A MINIMUM OF 1 MINUTE before opening the breach.

 9.  Always ensure that you use the correct ammunition for your firearm. If unsure, check the manual.

10. Anyone under the influence of any substance which impairs judgment is, regardless of circumstances, prohibited from handling firearms. The consumption of alcohol or any substance which impairs judgment (e.g. marihuana) on the range is strictly forbidden at any time. 

11. If an unsafe situation arises, anyone should call a "CEASEFIRE".

12. In the event of a called "CEASEFIRE" all shooters must stop firing, open their actions and remove the ammunition and/or magazine, if applicable, and use a bolt flag (needs to be inserted into the action) and finally place your rifle in the rack provided. There should be no firearms left on the firing line.

13. Shooters may move safe firearms to and from the firing line, only when the range is "HOT." A HOT range is one that is declared open by the RSO.

General Range Rules

  • Minimum age is 12 years old to shoot on the range;
  • Use our online booking system to reserve a spot prior to driving out to the range;
  • Always wear your membership ID when on the APRA property;
  • Members and guests who are participating on the range for practice or competition shall not wear paramilitary and military clothing or equipment;
  • All clothing worn must be appropriate for a family-oriented audience;
  • Drive to the main gate on Homestead Rd. If it is locked, then open the lock, drive through and lock it behind you. If the gate is not locked, then make sure you lock it behind you, except on match days when the gate is locked open
  • Drive through the access gate to the Swiss Range. If the gate is locked, then open it and lock it behind you. If the gate is in the open position, then leave it open. You will notice a red flag at the gate entrance. There is no need to use this flag. It indicates that the 900m firing point at the Fullbore range is either live or not.
  • Once at the Swiss range, the first thing you should do is raise the red flag in the parking lot and sign into the register. If you are the last person to leave the range, lower this flag and sign out of the register.
  • If there are two or more people at the range, one person must be designated as the RSO. That person is responsible for the conduct of the firing line, calling ceasefires and letting everyone know when the range is live.
  • You may bring up to two guests at one time. You must purchase guest passes either online or pay cash by using the envelopes provided in the sign in register located at the range.
  • Regardless which range you use, you must remove all your brass and waste material including targets. Brass is to be deposited in the containers provided at the shooting line, and garbage in the bear proof bins outside.
  • On the firing line, use the flip sign to indicate the range is live (RED), or the GREEN to indicate a ceasefire.
  • You can only use paper targets on the target frames provided.
  • If there is wildlife on the range, call a ceasefire immediately and wait for it to leave.
  • If something is broken at the range send an email to the club using the contact form provided on this website, or directly to the club secretary. There is no need for you to try and fix something yourself.

Rifle Range Specific Rules

  • When using the target frames at 50, 100, 200 & 300m, only rifles with a caliber of no more than .338 Lapua are permitted.
  • Only paper or cardboard targets can be used. No bottles, cans, exploding targets (such as Tannerite) or anything else can be used.
  • Paper targets must be removed when you are finished.
  • No handguns or shotguns are permitted.

Handgun Range Specific Rules

  • Upon arrival, checking your handgun at the designated SAFETY TABLE is mandatory.
  • For how to instructions, please view this video
  • Only paper or cardboard targets can be used on this range.
  • Targets must be removed when you are finished.
  • Only handguns with no more than 45 caliber.
  • No armour piercing rounds.
  • No Thompson Contender handguns.
  • No shotguns or rifles are permitted.

    In the event of a called "CEASE FIRE" all shooters must cease firing, open their actions and remove the ammunition and/or magazine, and use a bolt flag (needs to be inserted into the action). N.B.: The use of bolt flags is mandatory – no exception.

    No one may handle firearms on the line while someone is downrange. Prior to anyone going down range, shooters must check to ensure their firearms are unloaded, actions open, bolt flag inserted into the action and firearms stored in the provided gun racks, in a gun case/gun bag or holstered (in the case where the shooter has been holster certified) before going down range.

    Important. For those interested in using the handgun range at SRCC you must have an RPAL. For more information regarding the process involved in obtaining your RPAL you can read more on the RCMP website. When filling out your application you will be required to demonstrate that you belong to an approved handgun range. For the purposes of this application, you should use the Alberta Provincial Rifle Association (APRA) as your approved range and provide a copy of your SRCC membership card which shows membership in the APRA.


        The SRCC has three main parking areas. The upper lot is located just adjacent to the shooting area and is the normal lot you should use. You can park in either the handgun range area, or in front of the rifle range area. When the upper lot is full, use the lower area in front of the building at the bottom of the small hill leading up to the range. Members can only park in these areas.


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